Energy has always been essential to produce food. Prior to the industrial revolution, the primary energy input for agriculture was the sun; photosynthesis enabled plants to grow, and plants served as food for livestock, which provided fertilizer (manure) and muscle power for farming.
However, as a result of the industrialisation and consolidation of agriculture, food production has become increasingly dependent on energy derived from fossil fuels, mainly electricity and diesel.
Renewable energy and farming are a winning combination. Wind, solar, and biomass energy can be harvested forever, providing farmers with a long-term source of income. Renewable energy can be used either to replace other fuels or sold as a “cash crop”.
CREBUS partnered with an engineering consulting company with more than 50 years of combined expertise in energy and energy efficiency, water and waste project development, implementation and optimization. They have an extensive network of partner and associate companies and individuals (locally and abroad), with excellent skills in the engineering, legal and financial fields that can be consulted on projects should additional resources be required.
A holistic approach is followed to determine the client’s needs via energy audits and surveys to understand their business from an operational and energy demand and supply perspective. We then propose viable and sustainable solutions derived via techno economic modelling and analysis to be implemented. Where solutions are not commercially available, they initiate research and development projects to achieve the identified shortcomings.
Our partner specialises in developing integrated energy and energy efficiency solutions to ensure that clients can continue operating during energy constraint times and also operate more efficiently. They have the skills to design and implement projects within cost and schedule and can also do the subsequent operation and maintenance of these facilities, while monitoring the performance to continuously identify optimization opportunities for the clients.
They also have the expertise to assist clients to become more independent of the national grid or generate electricity more efficiently. In association with other key partners, they also have extensive experience in the project development and execution (owners engineering, design, fund raising, construction and subsequent operation and maintenance) for a variety of power plants.
Integrated energy and energy efficiency solutions offering includes the following:
Integrated Energy efficiency solutions for electrical applications that include:
Energy supply evaluation and implementation for own power generation:
Target markets include: